01-12-2025 Announcements

  1. The postponed New Year’s Sunrise Prayer Meeting will be held at 7 a.m. this Saturday, January 18th, at Lynch Park in Beverly, MA.

  2. The second meeting of ‘A Foundational Bible Study,’ “What is Salvation?” will meet tomorrow Monday 6:30 pm. Pastor Yu leads this open class.

  3. Nazareth Small Group will serve dinner at Malden Warming Center this evening on the second Sunday of January.

  4. If you need your 2024 offering record for tax report purposes, ask the Finance Team

  5. The Search Committee has been formed to lead the discussion of finding a new pastor. It consists of current church board members and small group leaders for better communications and a balanced representation of the congregation.  


01-19-2025 Announcements


01-05-2025 Announcements