God’s Love Confirmed
God’s love operates on an entirely different plane than human notions of goodness or worth; it is sacrificial and unconditional, made evident in His willingness to die for sinners—even those at their weakest and most sinful. This universal, unconditional love provides hope for everyone, as it is not confined to any particular nation, social class, occupation, or status.
Enoch Walked Faithfully with God
The goal for Christians is not merely to “arrive” in heaven. Rather, heaven is the outcome of living a life that walks with God. For believers, the end and the means are inseparably linked. Our relationship with God is not merely a tool to reach a goal; it is about living each moment in His presence.
Sunday Sermon: Jesus Revealed to the World
Through Jesus’ baptism and the testimony of immigrant ancestors, believers are reminded that our true identity rests in God’s affirmation: we are beloved. Whatever new chapters or “epiphanies” unfold—whether in personal life, church life, or larger cultural stories—our calling remains to cling to the truth that God delights in us. Standing on this foundation, we can face temptations, transitions, or challenges with confidence that God’s grace is sufficient.
Balaam’s Story: A Caution Against Instrumentalizing God
Balaam’s story teaches us to beware of using God’s will for our own ends. Like Balak, people often fall into the temptation of exploiting God or spiritual powers to satisfy their fears and desires. But God is the sovereign ruler over all.
Love Is Walking in Obedience to His Commandments
Verse 6 defines love as “walking in obedience to His commandments,” stating that only when love is practiced within God’s commandments and truth can it be made complete.
Seeking God in the Wilderness
In the Bible, the wilderness is not merely a place of suffering; it is also where God meets with His people, trains them, and renews them. Thus, the wilderness becomes a special space where human weakness intersects with God’s presence.
Through the Suffering of Death
Hebrews 2:9–18 offers a profound explanation of the grace of salvation accomplished through the suffering and death of Jesus Christ. The cross was not simply a moment of God’s Son enduring pain; rather, in taking on death—humanity’s greatest weakness—Jesus secured a complete salvation for us.
Now My Eyes Have Seen You
Spiritual growth is not about increasing our “holy acts” or good deeds. Instead, it lies in becoming more attuned to God’s grace, acknowledging His sovereignty, and responding with gratitude and praise.
Sunday Sermon: The Life of the Words, Glory of Light
Just as Genesis begins by proclaiming that God created the world through His Word, so does John’s Gospel open with the declaration that “in the beginning,” the Word brought all things into being. This Word is not merely speech or language, but rather God’s own will, purpose, and love—life and light. Through His Word, God fashioned the world with order and purpose, and He created humanity in His image to fulfill His divine plan.
All Comes from Your Hand
1 Chronicles 29 captures the moment when King David prepares for the building of the temple, offering everything to God, and the people willingly join in. David then prays a prayer of gratitude and praise, acknowledging that all things ultimately come from God and that the devotion both he and the people have shown is rooted in God’s grace.
Take Heart—I Have Overcome the World
Though Jesus knew they would eventually abandon Him, He did not condemn them for their frailty. Instead, He showed that human weakness and sin are precisely why He came into the world. This highlights the essence of Jesus’ ministry: bearing humanity’s sinfulness and frailty by taking up the cross.
Come Near Me and Listen
When we read Scripture, we are not to use it mechanically to predict the future or find quick answers in the midst of uncertainty. Instead, our task is to grasp God’s will in a personal relationship with Him and respond in obedience.
Sunday Sermon: Why Does the Vineyard Exist?
At the end of the day, the vineyard owner gives the same wage—a denarius—to those who worked all day and those who worked only an hour. This goes beyond fairness; it symbolizes grace. This grace does not depend on human merit or qualifications but reveals God’s love and mercy.
A Child in a Papyrus Basket
We see the infant Moses placed into a papyrus(reed) basket and set afloat on the Nile. Through this scene, we witness how God’s providence can be at work in seemingly small, fragile acts within everyday life. Even without a dramatic miracle or a clear sign, the mother’s “small act”—hiding her child for three months and preparing the basket—becomes part of God’s greater work of salvation.
They Ate and Drank and Were Sent Away
Elisha’s actions were not mere benevolence but were firmly grounded in God’s grace. Confident in God’s help, he had already perceived the heavenly armies—horses and chariots of fire—protecting him. Thus, one who truly grasps the depth of God’s grace can extend forgiveness and mercy to enemies. Elisha did not forgive because he was strong in himself; rather, he lived graciously because he was filled with God’s grace.
Hear My Voice When I Call
Psalm 27 abounds with earnest cries to God amid external troubles and inner turmoil. Underlying these pleas is a deep conviction that God hears, shows mercy, and responds to prayer—revealing Him as a personal God. He is not a distant force turning the wheels of history without regard for humanity, but One who communicates with us intimately.
Overjoyed to See the Star
The Magi did not follow the star because it was simply beautiful or mysterious. They were drawn by the promise that the star signaled—the opportunity to meet and worship the incarnate Jesus. The star served as a guide, but the true significance lay in the one it pointed to: Jesus Himself. The worship offered by the Magi was a personal, heartfelt response to the God who came in human form.
Sunday Sermon: My soul magnifies the Lord
The Christmas season often dazzles us with grand displays of light and decorations, but the first Christmas in Bethlehem was strikingly different. It was a place of humility, darkness, and obscurity—the last place one would expect a king to be born. Yet, it was here that Jesus entered the world, reminding us that God’s glory shines not in human grandeur but in the most unlikely of circumstances. This sets the stage for understanding Mary’s song, the Magnificat, a declaration of praise that magnifies God’s character and His transformative work in her life and the world.
The Word of God Endures Forever
Isaiah 40:5 declares, “The glory of the Lord will be revealed, and all people will see it together.” This promise extends beyond Israel, envisioning global redemption and restoration—personal, communal, societal, and cosmic. This comprehensive hope resonates with the Advent season as we anticipate the fulfillment of God’s promises.