
Humility and Obedience - The Story of Naaman the General
Grace Kim Grace Kim

Humility and Obedience - The Story of Naaman the General

It was only after listening to the advice of his servants and humbling himself to wash seven times in the Jordan River that Naaman's leprosy was completely healed. At that moment, Naaman praised God and confessed his faith. This event was not merely about the healing of his disease; it was the result of Naaman laying down his pride and obeying God's command.

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Go and stand in the river-A leap of faith
Grace Kim Grace Kim

Go and stand in the river-A leap of faith

The Bible connects the event of crossing the Jordan with the Red Sea, showing how God continues to lead His people through a new era and a new leader. Both the Red Sea and the Jordan River crossings were miracles of God, symbolizing pivotal moments that required the Israelites to take a leap of faith and make a new beginning.

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Put off the Old Self and Put on the New Self
Grace Kim Grace Kim

Put off the Old Self and Put on the New Self

The grace of sanctification is what we call 'Sanctifying Grace.' Through the grace of salvation, or 'Saving Grace,' we became children of God, and now through His grace, we experience the sanctifying grace that leads us toward holiness. Through this grace, our inner being is truly renewed, allowing us to live according to the image of God.

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Love is patient
Grace Kim Grace Kim

Love is patient

Love is revealed not in our interactions with those we are close to or naturally get along with, but with those who are difficult to love, even those who irritate or challenge us. Love shows itself in how we respond when things don't go our way—this is the hallmark of Christian maturity.

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Toward the goal
Grace Kim Grace Kim

Toward the goal

Paul’s "goal" represents a life that increasingly mirrors Jesus Christ. This is the true essence of faith. Paul admits that he is still pursuing this goal and urges us to strive towards greater likeness to Christ as well.

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A Sojourner with the Lord
Grace Kim Grace Kim

A Sojourner with the Lord

David finds hope in the fact that God exists, even amid the fleeting nature of life. This hope is rooted in the belief that God is the Creator, the Savior, and the one who will bring about new creation. We are not merely mechanical organisms existing for survival; we are beings created in the image of God, endowed with His life. Since God is the source of our life, our lives hold deep meaning and purpose. Therefore, we are not lost wanderers in a meaningless world, but those who possess hope in God. 

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The Wisdom of Fearing God
Grace Kim Grace Kim

The Wisdom of Fearing God

To fear God means to honor Him, to acknowledge His greatness, and to clearly understand the difference between what we can and cannot do. We must dedicate ourselves fully to the mission God has given us. However, at the same time, we must humbly accept that we cannot solve all the world's problems perfectly. God will create a new heaven and a new earth and completely renew His creation. Because we believe in and look forward to this, we do what we can to move toward that goal.

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What is that in your hand?
Grace Kim Grace Kim

What is that in your hand?

God uses the small things we have to accomplish His great works. Just as He had Moses cast down his staff, He desires to work through the little that we have. Even if what we hold seems small and insignificant, if we offer it to God, it can be used for the mighty purposes of His kingdom.

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Living Out God's Justice: Responding to the Call of Amos
Grace Kim Grace Kim

Living Out God's Justice: Responding to the Call of Amos

The leaders and wealthy of Northern Israel oppressed the weak for their own economic gain, neglecting God's justice and instead focusing on fulfilling their own desires. This societal injustice was the result of idolatry. Idol worship causes people's hearts to focus on their own desires and profits instead of on God. Amos warned that the order of society was crumbling because the people no longer revered God.

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Go to the land I will show you
Grace Kim Grace Kim

Go to the land I will show you

God commanded Abraham to leave his homeland, his relatives, and his father's house and go to the land that He would show him. This command meant that Abraham was called to leave behind everything he had relied on and live a life depending solely on God. Abraham's calling was not just for his own personal blessing but was part of God's plan to bless his descendants and all nations.

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Those who are not of the world
Grace Kim Grace Kim

Those who are not of the world

Today's message focuses on Jesus' intercessory prayer recorded in John 17. Jesus prayed that His disciples would enter into the world and remain in it, yet not be of it. This is the identity of the disciples. The Lord desired that they reflect Christ's image, revealing God's will in the world through their lives.  

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Sunday Sermon: Moses, Now Go!
Grace Kim Grace Kim

Sunday Sermon: Moses, Now Go!

When God calls us to do His work, it’s not about our abilities; it's about His power working through us. As 1 Corinthians 1:27 states, God chooses the foolish and weak things of the world to shame the wise and the strong. He does not leave us alone but provides help along the way, just as He sent Moses' brother, Aaron, to assist him. God has placed people in our lives and in this church who are here to help us fulfill our calling.

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You are a chosen people
Grace Kim Grace Kim

You are a chosen people

Many Christians in the early church, especially those Gentiles who were scattered as a diaspora, were a minority in society. Living in the Roman Empire and under Hellenistic culture, maintaining their Christian faith was not an easy task. However, Peter uses terms like "chosen people," which had been used to describe Jews, and applies them to these believers, declaring that they are a special people called by God. Though they were a minority, they were called to reveal God's glory.

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Return to God
Grace Kim Grace Kim

Return to God

In Jeremiah 4:1, God says to Israel, “If you, Israel, will return, then return to me,” The call to return to God in the Bible demands a deeper repentance, which is different from simple reflection. Reflection is an important human ability, allowing us to look back on our wrong actions and correct them. However, true repentance goes beyond merely changing one’s behavior; it is a deep spiritual transformation that restores our relationship with God.

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Cast your burden on the Lord
Grace Kim Grace Kim

Cast your burden on the Lord

Psalm 55:22 says, "Cast your cares on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken." We can cast our burdens, worries, and concerns on God. The essence of faith lies in understanding who God is and how we regard Him. It’s about looking beyond the injustices and hardships of the world to God, who is sovereign over them. It is not about ignoring or denying the problems of reality, but about bringing them to God and confessing our trust in Him.

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Living a Christlike Life: Bearing One Another's Weaknesses
Grace Kim Grace Kim

Living a Christlike Life: Bearing One Another's Weaknesses

Paul encourages the strong in faith to bear the weaknesses of the weak and not to please themselves. This means that true Christian maturity lies not in criticizing or judging others, but in supporting and serving them in their weaknesses. Those who are strong in faith should not boast in their belief but rather help and care for those who are weaker in faith with patience and love.

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Walking in the Truth: A Life of Faithfulness and Service
Grace Kim Grace Kim

Walking in the Truth: A Life of Faithfulness and Service

Apostle John rejoices greatly upon hearing that Gaius is "walking in the truth." The "truth" that John refers to here is the truth of the Gospel, specifically the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Accepting the Gospel is not merely an emotional response, but an important process of decision made with our will and reason. To accept the truth is not simply to agree with it intellectually, but for our lives to be transformed and for our actions to reflect that truth.

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Sunday Sermon: Discipleship (3) One Thing You Still Lack
Grace Kim Grace Kim

Sunday Sermon: Discipleship (3) One Thing You Still Lack

 Jesus' instruction to "sell everything you have and give to the poor" was not merely about his wealth but an invitation to relinquish whatever had become an idol in his life and fully trust in God. The call to follow Jesus is a call to give all of ourselves to Him. The Lord's invitation is open to everyone, but it is a serious invitation. While we cannot enter God's Kingdom through our goodness, we enter it by giving our whole selves to God.

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Philippians 2:1-5
Grace Kim Grace Kim

Philippians 2:1-5

In Philippians 4:2, Paul urges Euodia and Syntyche to be of the same mind in the Lord. The church is a gathering of diverse people, and it's natural for differences in background and decision-making processes to exist. However, Paul stresses that if the church is a community following Jesus, they must be of one mind. If we have experienced the marvelous grace of the Lord and exalt Him as our Savior, then following Christ's example of humility and lowliness should be a significant practice in our lives.

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Mark 6:1-6
Grace Kim Grace Kim

Mark 6:1-6

Jesus spread the Gospel through those who approached Him with faith, as seen in the stories of the woman with the issue of bleeding and Jairus’ daughter in Mark 5, and the healing of the demon-possessed man in the region of Gerasenes. On the other hand, the people of Jesus’ hometown, despite thinking they knew Him well, could not truly accept His message. Knowing about the Gospel and truly accepting it in our lives are two different matters.

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