03-09-2025 Announcements
Lent started and will continue until April 18th, Good Friday. You are encouraged to give more intentional time for Scripture reading, daily prayer, and life of abstinence and helping others.

03-02-2025 Announcements
The Ash Wednesday Service will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 5th. Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent, lasting for 40 days until April 17th in Holy Week.

02-16-2025 Announcements
For the ongoing process of searching for the next senior pastor, please continue the Community Scripture Reading and prayer for the church every day at 7 am and 9 pm.

02-09-2025 Announcements
As we continue the process of calling the next senior pastor, please join us for the ‘Community Scripture Reading.’ Please also continue to pray for the church every day at 7 am and 9 pm.

02-02-2025 Announcements
The Life Conference(TLC) will be held this Saturday at 6 pm. The theme for the three-month quarter is “Christian Work Life”

01-26-2025 Announcements
With the Korean New Year coming up this Wednesday, there will be a New Year's bowing ‘Se-bae’ and a ‘YootNoRi’ game after today's potluck lunch.

01-19-2025 Announcements
The Search Committee will meet with Rev. Ken Stanford, District Superintendent of the New England District Church of the Nazarene, at 2:15 in the backroom to begin searching for the church's new pastor.

01-12-2025 Announcements
The postponed New Year’s Sunrise Prayer Meeting will be held at 7 a.m. this Saturday, January 11th, at Lynch Park in Beverly, MA.

01-05-2025 Announcements
The New Year’s Sunrise Prayer Meeting will be held at 7 a.m. this Saturday, January 11th, at Lynch Park in Beverly, MA. In case of bad weather, it will be postponed to next week.

12-29-2024 Announcements
We thank Rev. Sung Ho Ahn for preaching today. Dr. Ahn was a professor for World Christianity at Gordon College and is currently a research fellow at Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary.

12-15-2024 Announcements
It is the third Sunday of Advent today. You are encouraged to continue the Advent Scripture Reading and to participate in the early morning prayer meetings

12-08-2024 Announcements
It is the second Sunday of Advent today. You are encouraged to continue the Advent Scripture Reading and to participate in the early morning prayer meetings

12-01-2024 Announcements
Advent begins today and continues until Christmas Eve. Christmas Tree and decorations will be installed this afternoon.

11-24-2024 Announcements
Today is Thanksgiving Sunday. We will be giving our Thanksgiving offering and share a fellowship meal. A basket for fruits and produce will be distributed to our neighbors.

11-17-2024 Announcements
Next Sunday will be Thanksgiving Sunday. Please give your Thanksgiving Day Offering by reflecting on the year’s grace. The lunch will be a Thanksgiving potluck meal.

11-10-2024 Announcements
We will be collecting Crisis Care Kits for the Nazarene Compassionate Ministries. Please take item sticker(s) you wish to bring in from the entrance wall and bring them by December 1.

11-03-2024 Announcements
The Life Conference (TLC) of English ministry will be held this Saturday 6pm. The new theme for the coming three months is REI: Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration. Dinner will be provided.

10-20-2024 Announcements
USA/Canada Korean Nazarene Pastors’ Conference was finished after the blessed four days of programs at KCON. Thank you to all the volunteers who helped serve and prepare for the event.