12-08-2024 Announcements

  1. It is the second Sunday of Advent today. You are encouraged to continue the Advent Scripture Reading and to participate in the early morning prayer meetings

  2. Children’s Group will host a Market fair for Children this afternoon after lunchtime. Children will get various items with stickers that they earned from the activites.

  3. The Sinai Small Group will volunteer at the Malden Warming Center to serve dinner

  4. This Saturday, the December meeting of 'The Life Conference (TLC)' will be held at 6 PM. It is the second session on the theme of REI: Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration, where we will watch a related film and have a discussion. The session will be conducted in English, and light dinner will be provided.

  5. You can order Walnut Sweet for Women’s Group Mission Bazaar by this Friday to get the item starting next Sunday


12-15-2024 Announcements


12-01-2024 Announcements