10-06-2024 Announcements
It is the World Communion Sunday today, the first Sunday of October.
The Life Conference (TLC) will be held this Saturday, October 12, at 6pm. The third and final session on “Mental Health,” will feature pastor Grace Kim via Zoom.
Rev. Jungmo Koo, pastor of the Multicultural Ministry in Immanuel Church of the Nazarene, Lansdale, PA will preach next Sunday. Pastor Koo will preach twice, first time at 11 am in English and 1:30pm in Korean.
The USA/Canada Korean Nazarene Pastors’ Annual Conference will be held at KCON on October 14-17, Mon-Thu. About 75 Korean pastors and spouses from USA/Canada will attend the conference. The leaders of the New England District, Metro NY District, and the USA/Canada Region will speak also. KCON will serve the Tuesday dinner.