
Luke 15:11-13, 17-24
Grace Kim Grace Kim

Luke 15:11-13, 17-24

In the Parable of the Prodigal Son, we see the father's love and forgiveness, illustrating how God receives us. The focus of this parable should be on God's incredible forgiveness, which makes human decisions and new beginnings possible. We see in this story that God's grace exceeds our expectations.

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Sunday Sermon: The Works of Philip in Samaria
Grace Kim Grace Kim

Sunday Sermon: The Works of Philip in Samaria

Do you sometimes feel that your faith has weakened compared to the past, or feel anxious seeing the world's confusion and the church's seeming decline? Today’s message offers guidance on how to live in such times.

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Proverbs 15:1-9
Grace Kim Grace Kim

Proverbs 15:1-9

One of the recurring themes in the Book of Proverbs is wisdom. Proverbs personifies wisdom by depicting it as calling out in the streets and building a house. This personification underscores that wisdom is not just a skill or a strategy for living but a fundamental element that can transform one's life.

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James 2:3-6
Grace Kim Grace Kim

James 2:3-6

In James 2:26, it states, "Faith without deeds is dead." This means that faith must be demonstrated through actions. We are not saved by our works, but the salvation we receive through faith should be evident in our actions. Without this teaching, our faith could remain merely as a thought or intellectual acknowledgment. However, faith must be a holistic confession and state of being.

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Isaiah 40:27-31
Grace Kim Grace Kim

Isaiah 40:27-31

Isaiah 40, which marks the beginning of Second Isaiah, speaks of comfort and restoration. It opens with the words, "Comfort, comfort my people," and encourages the Israelites who will return from Babylonian captivity. The term "hope" in verse 31 signifies a longing for God, emphasizing God's promise to renew the strength and power of those who trust in Him.

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Exodus 7:1-13
Grace Kim Grace Kim

Exodus 7:1-13

Today's passage is about God's calling of Moses and Aaron. Despite their advanced ages, with Moses being 80 years old and Aaron 83, God called them to serve. This demonstrates that God's calling and use of individuals is not limited by age.

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Sunday Sermon: The Works of Philip on the Way Down to Gaza
Grace Kim Grace Kim

Sunday Sermon: The Works of Philip on the Way Down to Gaza

Philip, initially appointed for administrative purposes like distributing food, exemplifies a transition from serving internal church needs to engaging in missionary work. When the early church in Jerusalem faced persecution, Philip traveled to Samaria.

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Ezra 3:1-6
Grace Kim Grace Kim

Ezra 3:1-6

Today's message speaks about the era of Ezra. About 50 years after the fall of Judah, the Israelites were commanded to return and rebuild the temple. However, the restoration of the temple took a long time, and it was only completed about 70 years later.

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Ecclesiastes 12:13-14
Grace Kim Grace Kim

Ecclesiastes 12:13-14

This is the final message of Ecclesiastes. Without this concluding statement, readers of Ecclesiastes might easily fall into the vanity of life. This is because the theme of Ecclesiastes seems to be encapsulated in Ecclesiastes 1:2: "Meaningless! Meaningless!

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1 Timothy 1:12-17
Grace Kim Grace Kim

1 Timothy 1:12-17

Today's passage is from one of the pastoral letters that Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy, filled with pastoral advice and encouragement. Paul contrasts his past and present, emphasizing God's grace and mercy.

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1 Samuel 16:4-12
Grace Kim Grace Kim

1 Samuel 16:4-12

From this passage, we learn an important lesson: when God chooses a person, He looks at the heart, not the outward appearance. Initially, Samuel thought Eliab was the Lord's anointed based on his appearance, but God chose David instead.

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Acts 8:29-39
Grace Kim Grace Kim

Acts 8:29-39

From this passage, we learn an important lesson: when God chooses a person, He looks at the heart, not the outward appearance. Initially, Samuel thought Eliab was the Lord's anointed based on his appearance, but God chose David instead.

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2 Corinthians 10:3-6
Grace Kim Grace Kim

2 Corinthians 10:3-6

This passage signifies that our faith life should extend beyond merely attending church on Sunday mornings; it should encompass recognizing Christ's sovereignty in every aspect of our lives.

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