The Life of the Saved
The ultimate purpose of salvation is for us to participate in God’s intentions. Since our time and moments are within this plan of God, we are called to cherish and use them wisely. This wisdom is not about worldly success or gaining advantage but about choosing in alignment with God's will and faith. A wise life reveres God and acts according to His will.
What is Caesar’s; What is God’s
While we may hold political beliefs or values within our faith, we must avoid treating them as the absolute measure of truth. When we come before Jesus, what matters most is surrendering ourselves to God with a heart of worship rather than focusing on arguments or logic.
The Branch of The Lord
Today’s passage speaks of Israel’s future restoration and salvation following judgment and suffering, as well as the beautiful and glorious “Branch of the Lord.” This “Branch” symbolizes God’s small yet powerful work of salvation, a renewal that will grow and flourish. God does not disregard or discard the existing circumstances but breathes new life into them, reviving what was withering and bringing forth growth.
Rejoice in The Lord Always
Paul repeatedly emphasizes to the Philippians in his letter: “Rejoice in the Lord always.” Being in Christ is both our reason and foundation for joy. Remaining in the Lord and experiencing His love, power, and grace of salvation brings us true joy and peace of heart.
Sunday Sermon: We Give You What Comes from You
We are reminded that we are strangers and sojourners in this world, reliant on God’s provision and grace. Our identity is not in our possessions, accomplishments, or security but in our relationship with God. We live and give generously, knowing that our true security comes not from earthly things but from God's unwavering faithfulness.
In the Body or Away from It
Instead of dichotomizing our bodies and souls, the temporary and the eternal, we should recognize that every area of life is interconnected in God’s purpose. Our current bodies are not to be discarded; rather, they will be clothed with God’s new life, transformed to dwell with Him. This understanding makes it essential to live now, in our bodies, in a way that honors God. Our earthly life is a preparation for the eternal life that awaits us; our actions here have lasting significance.
I Remembered You, Lord
God works through Jonah’s weaknesses and imperfections, using him to fulfill His purpose. Through Jonah’s small step of turning back, God leads him to Nineveh, and the people of Nineveh are moved to repentance.
The kind of fasting I have chosen
Fasting is not just about fulfilling a personal religious duty. It involves interrupting our daily routines, letting go of our self-centered thoughts and actions, and adopting a way of life that looks toward others. Fasting is not only about cutting off my own needs but also about breaking away from the way I have been living, moving toward the life that pleases God.
The Promise of the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit, who resides in our hearts, teaches us all things and helps us remember the words of Jesus (John 14:26). Through the Holy Spirit, we are empowered to obey the Lord’s commands and live a life of faith. The Spirit also grants us peace—a peace unlike that of the world, a peace that comes only from Jesus. Therefore, we should not let our hearts be troubled or afraid.
First clean the inside
What Jesus truly desires from us is not mere outward religious performance, but genuine repentance and inner renewal. Rather than staying content with a superficial faith like the Pharisees, we must fully expose our inner selves to the Lord and allow His grace and love to transform us. Jesus knows our weaknesses and longs to heal and renew us.
Sunday Sermon: Small Group As a Village On a Hill
In the Church of the Nazarene, small groups are defined as "Christian spiritual fellowship in which we share the life based on the scripture, pray for each other, participate in the mission of God."
In the name of the Lord Jesus
The greatest offering we can give to God is to honor Him with all our heart and life, to live with gratitude, and to continually remember the grace of Christ’s redemption. Through this message, we learn that in every area of our lives, we must acknowledge Jesus as Lord, and live a life of thankfulness to God, empowered by His grace.
Get up and eat
Like Elijah, we too can find ourselves placing our sense of worth in accomplishments or comparing ourselves to others, which leaves us vulnerable to pride or inferiority. However, this can make us fragile and restless. We must find rest in God, seeking His strength and new direction. When we see our lives through the eyes of God, who knows and loves us the most, we can experience true joy and peace and rise again with renewed strength.
Love, Mission, Joy
As we dwell in His love, share His love, and keep His commandments, we are given overflowing joy. Love, mission, and joy are interconnected. Our mission is not just a duty; it is a privilege we can carry out with joy in the love of God.
Running with Purpose, Not Aimlessly
In this race of faith, we are not running aimlessly. Our goal is clear. Our eyes are fixed on the Lord, and our life’s direction is toward God. It’s not just about doing many things. What’s important is where our life is headed, and where our heart and soul are focused.
Sunday Sermon: What Do You See?
Habakkuk reminds us that what we choose to focus on shapes our prayers and our relationship with God. If we are constantly consumed by the negativity around us, our prayers will be filled with complaints. But if we fix our eyes on God’s glory, as Habakkuk did, our hearts will be transformed, and we will be able to worship even in the midst of hardship.
Some of the people became followers
In this pluralistic society of America, where diverse religions and ideologies coexist, we should not be ashamed of sharing the Gospel. We must share it boldly, knowing that it is a valid and powerful alternative for the world. We do not need to always be logical or rational in our approach as Paul did. Our focus is on those few who will turn to God.
Pray Without Ceasing
In order to be able to rejoice and give thanks always, it is crucial to experience God’s grace and presence through prayer. The instruction to "pray without ceasing" means to remain in continual communion with God through prayer. Prayer is not merely a religious duty but a personal interaction with God. In prayer, we open our hearts to God, and through this connection, God renews our hearts and transforms our attitudes. Prayer is an essential way to maintain and strengthen our relationship with God, and through it, we can live lives full of constant joy and gratitude.
Knowing God Rightly
The Bible reveals to us who God is and what His nature and character are like. God is completely self-sufficient and does not rely on human existence or actions. However, He created humanity and desires to reveal His love and holiness through us. God also delights in displaying His glory and will through humanity across all of creation. Therefore, knowing God is the fundamental way to understand who we are, how the world should be, and what the purpose and direction of our lives are.
Let perseverance finish its work
The Book of James provides essential teachings on the Christian life, addressing topics such as suffering, perseverance, speech, and charity. It particularly emphasizes how believers should respond to trials, urging Christians to "consider it pure joy" when facing various trials. These hardships serve to strengthen one's faith and perseverance, leading to a deeper relationship with God.