Five Loaves and Two Fish
Through the miracle of the five loaves and two fish, Jesus gave the disciples a mission and an opportunity for growth. When the disciples brought the small offering of five loaves and two fish to Jesus, He multiplied it into an abundant blessing. By assigning them specific roles, Jesus used them as instruments of His work, helping them realize their purpose and calling to spread His Gospel.
Sunday Sermon: Life of Thanksgiving Ahead for Zaccheus
The story of Zacchaeus reminds us that no one is beyond the reach of God’s grace. Like Zacchaeus, we may carry burdens of sin, shame, or emptiness. But Jesus meets us where we are, calls us by name, and invites us to a new life filled with purpose and gratitude.
Open My Eyes, Lord
The psalmist describes God's Word as sweeter than honey (verse 103) and declares it to be a lamp to their feet and a light to their path (verse 105). These vivid metaphors emphasize the preciousness of Scripture and its role as a guiding light in life's journey. The psalmist also resolves to follow and keep God's Word (verse 106).
Jesus, the Perfecter of Faith
Hebrews 9 describes the earthly temple and sacrificial system as mere shadows and copies of heavenly realities. The visible things of this world are temporary and limited, but Jesus leads us to a perfect, eternal reality—the kingdom of God. Through His singular sacrifice, Jesus accomplished everything needed for salvation and promised to return to bring judgment and the ultimate fulfillment of redemption.
When Facing Misunderstanding and Criticism
Paul’s suffering in Jerusalem parallels the challenges Jesus faced when He set His face toward the city, knowing He would be arrested and killed. Jesus willingly went to Jerusalem to fulfill God’s will, and similarly, Paul, aware of the hardships awaiting him, chose to go to Jerusalem. His decision reflects a sacrificial commitment to the gospel, laying down his life in obedience to God’s calling.
Two are Better than One
Church communities are not without flaws or conflicts. Yet it is within these relationships that we grow, mature, and experience God’s salvation. The statement, “Two are better than one,” goes beyond the idea of mere efficiency. It highlights the benefits of learning, building one another up, and serving within a community. Through the process of serving, we are not merely producing results but nurturing people and strengthening the health of the community.
Sunday Sermon: The Secret of Being Content
“I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” Paul’s "everything" refers to the diverse challenges of life and how he could endure and respond through God’s power. Paul learned the secret to transcending his circumstances, not through worldly success but through God’s strength.
Your Servant will Go and Fight
David’s humble shepherding days had been filled with experiences of God’s protection and presence. His ordinary routine became a training ground for learning God’s grace and power. These daily experiences equipped David with the faith and courage to confront Goliath.
Now Choose Life
Moses challenges the people to make a choice. He sets before them a decision between blessing and curse, life and death, urging them to choose life. This choice goes beyond mere legalistic obedience; it is a call to respond to God’s grace and love with unwavering faith and heartfelt devotion.
Persistent Widow and the Unjust Judge: A Lesson in Trusting God
The core of this message isn’t about the widow's persistence in pressing the unjust judge. Unlike the unjust judge, God delights in His chosen ones and listens to their prayers with joy. He has a special relationship with His people, caring for those who seek Him with love and justice.
Worldly Principles vs. God's Principles
Abraham left his homeland and relatives in obedience to God’s calling, a deep trust in God enables us to seek His guidance in every situation.
At times, we may feel unseen as we strive to sow seeds of God’s justice in the world, and the rewards may not be immediately apparent. However, as Jesus taught in the parable of the mustard seed, God’s righteousness will ultimately bear undeniable fruit, fulfilling His promises.
Excel in the Grace of Giving
Paul commends the Corinthian church for their richness in faith, speech, knowledge, earnestness, and love. Yet he adds a specific appeal, encouraging them to also "excel in this grace." This "grace" refers to the abundant generosity and dedication shown by the Macedonian church. Despite trials and poverty, the Macedonians practiced generous giving with overflowing joy, an ironic demonstration of the Christian life’s unique expression: joy amid suffering and giving amid lack.
Sunday Sermon: Response to Three Kings
In November, as we approach Thanksgiving, we reflect on gratitude through biblical narratives. Today, we focus on Abraham's encounter with two earthly kings and a foreshadowing of Christ, the King of Kings. This passage reveals Abraham's faith and his response to God's providence amidst worldly power struggles.
Serve with the Strength God Provides
Peter emphasizes the importance of "deep love for one another." Love is the essence of our faith and a natural outcome of a deep relationship with God. Loving God inevitably manifests in a life of loving others. Living in love for one another goes beyond mere prayer or confession—it is reflected in service and acts of care.
Have Thine Own Way, Lord
Noah became the instrument of this saving work, demonstrating a faith marked by complete obedience and patience. His obedience in the unseen circumstances reveals the nature of true faith. Particularly, Noah’s patience in waiting to leave the ark until God instructed him to do so shows us a faith that seeks and discerns God’s will with trust and patience.
Be of the Same Mind in the Lord
In this passage, Paul addresses two women in the church, Euodia and Syntyche, urging them to be of “the same mind in the Lord.” This “same mind” doesn’t mean they must agree on everything. The mindset Paul speaks of is the "mind of Christ Jesus," that is, a mindset modeled after the incarnation and the sacrifice of the cross. When we embrace the mind of Christ, who humbled Himself and was obedient to the point of death as mentioned in Philippians 2, we can achieve maturity in our relationships within the church.
The Tongue of the Wise
Proverbs especially emphasizes the importance of our words. Language is not just a tool for communication; it reflects our inner self and should demonstrate the renewal that God has worked in our hearts. Our words must be truthful and honest, yet spoken with wisdom. We are called to avoid harmful or harsh language, instead offering words filled with love and truth—words that act as healing balm to others.
The Lord is My Shepherd
Whether we are teachers, employees, or parents, we can encounter God in our own unique situations, allowing these experiences to enrich and deepen our faith. Just as David confessed, God walks with us in our challenges and renews our souls.
Sunday Sermon: The One Who Gave Their Land As An Inheritance
As we live in a place where Thanksgiving began, we find ourselves mindful of the Pilgrims who settled in Plymouth, Massachusetts, and their pursuit of freedom to worship. This November, let us take time to reflect on the true meaning of gratitude, considering both their journey and the faith they brought with them.
Jesus Christ, the True Standard of Life
Today's passage shows us the true standard for life. We often measure success by the visible power and influence we see in the world. Worldly values easily become our goals in everyday life. However, Jesus teaches us the true principles of God's kingdom, contrasting them with worldly standards.