09-08-2024 Announcements

1.The 'Reading Fall Street Festival' is being held at the Reading Town Center area this afternoon from 12-5 PM. KCON will have a booth, distributing water bottles and leading activities such as calligraphy, bean picking with chopsticks, ttakji (slap match), and jegichagi (Korean hacky sack). Please sign up for a one-hour volunteer shift at the booth.

2.The September gathering of the Youth Group's 'The Life Conference' will be held this Saturday at 6 PM. In this second meeting of the 'Mental Health' series, we will watch a related film and hold a discussion.
3.In celebration of the new school semester, 'Prayer for Our Children' will be held via Zoom this week from Tuesday to Friday at 8 PM. Wednesday's session will coincide with the Wednesday Evening Village time.
4.The Boston Nehemiah Institute’s Fall Semester course, "How the Bible Has Come to Us," will be held every Monday at 7:30 PM from this week until October 7, both in person and via Zoom. You can register for the course at www.bosni.org.


09-22-2024 Announcements


09-01-2024 Announcements