09-22-2024 Announcements

  1. The announcement of the new small group assignments has been postponed by one more week. The new small group meetings will begin in October.

  2. The first membership class session will be held today at 1:45 PM in the classroom downstairs. Pastor Yu will lead the class explaining the mission, polity, discipleship process of our church, and the doctrine and structure of the Church of the Nazarene.

  3. This Saturday (9/28) at 9 AM, we will have a fall garden care, yard cleanup, and maintenance day. Please come and volunteer.

  4. There will be a special Church Board meeting tonight at 8 PM via Zoom.

  5. Next Sunday afternoon, we will go apple picking at Shelburne Farm in Stow.


09-29-2024 Announcements


09-08-2024 Announcements